“Change your thoughts & you can change the world” Norman Vincent Peale


What is the story you are telling yourself ?

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”  Victor Frankil

It is a challenge to stop and make time for rest and solitude and really pay attention our thoughts, emotions and behaviour but when we do we are able to shift blind spots and re-define our future reality.

Disciplining our self-talk is one of our greatest challenges. An undisciplined mind, will dismantle our strategies to overcome hurdles.

“ Seek to understand before being understood” Stephen Covey

We are storytellers by default... and we fill in the blanks and jump to conclusions instead of practicing non-judgment and believing the best of ourselves and others.

Our stories can become novels unless we are willing to stop, communicate with courage, ask questions, clarify and re-check.
To find out more about how we fill in the blanks and receive a free PDF, enter your details on the home page.


“When we focus on gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out & the tide of love rushes in”


“Challenges make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful” Joshua J. Marine